Confessions?? Or just plain CRAP??

Friday, January 06, 2006


A shot I took while in San Diego the year before.

Don't know why, but I just kinda like this shot, slanted at just the right angle.

Beautiful weather at that time this picture was taken, not a cloud in the sky, and the temperature at a comfortable 20 deg Celsius or so. Not too hot nor too cold.

Was just reminiscing a little about this trip to San Diego and suddenly had this urge to upload this photo.

I was waiting for the train to arrive, with nothing else to do and with my camera with me, decided to snap away at the surroundings.

That aside, this reminiscence partly also came about due to something I had encountered today.

At first thought, maybe this photo and the whole San Diego experience might have absolutely nothing to do with what I heard today, but memories of my visit there and to other places, observing the way of life and the culture in these locations made me open to the option of leaving the familiarity of home, of friends, the so-called comfort zone yet again, for the seemingly uncharted waters out there should the opportunity arise.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The new year...

2006 just came by like that and what a year 2005 had been.

Not the highly-eventful trekking to this remote corner of the globe, conquering this mountain, swimming across some channel or ocean sort of year.

But it was exciting and insightful enough.

Enough for me to hope that 2006 would be just the same, with its fulfiling moments and snippets for me to take away and learn.

No doubt there would be low moments but I will face them, knowing there is a reason for their existence, knowing that it is God's way of making me aware of something more important, to trigger in me the impetus to look at things from a different perspective, to see things from a bigger picture.

No big, bold hopes for this new year, but just a sincere wish, a wish that I can be a better person and that those who matter a lot to me will always be happy, healthy and at peace with themselves.

A happy new year to all! =)