Confessions?? Or just plain CRAP??

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Amidst the feelings of frustration and insecurities plaguing me at work, there's definitely other areas that offer me respite and solace to keep me sane and in check.

Of time spent together just chilling out in front of the TV, running, roller-blading or just talking.

Maybe it is the pressure that I place on myself, of wanting to perform that caused these feelings to arise.

It's sometimes difficult to just take things step by step and work on something bit by bit when you are, to put it in a way for lack of suitable words to use, obsessed with trying to tackle many things at a shot and aiming to achieve a whole lot of matters of large proportions in the shortest amount of time ever possible.

I have come to realise that it is not really possible for a person like myself.

Perhaps I am not competent enough or I just haven't really given off my best shot as of yet.

I am still trying to grapple with the issues that arise at work despite being on the job officially for close to eight months. I know things will not get easier with the coming days but I am slowing trying to make myself relish this challenge, the challenge that I place upon myself of making something good out of the seemingly pessismistic view that I have at the moment.

Then again, it might not be a challenge after all.

It could just be something that will come hopefully one day, but not without me learning things the hard and cruel way.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It has been a while since I penned something here.

Call it procrastination, laziness or whatever reason you could think of, but somehow I just didn't have the impetus to leave even just a sentence here.

Kinda realised that this can't go on for a very long time.

That aside, the past couple of days has been really wonderful and memorable, and I have never felt so warm and fuzzy inside before.

Spending quality time together sure beats anything hands-down.

Time sure passes pretty fast in that kind of state and I really yearn for a way, any way that could make the passage of time any slower at these moments.

Tuesday's coming to an end pretty soon and before we know it, the weekend's approaching.

How's your weekend going to be?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Subaru Team Challenge

35 hours 1 minute.

That was how long my teammate and I lasted.

My wrist sure is sore and it would be a while before I could write properly.

It was a good experience taking part but I doubt I would want to subject myself to such misery again next year.

Well, then again, time washes away all the pain and I might just even be one of the first to call in to take part next year.

We' ll see.