Confessions?? Or just plain CRAP??

Monday, July 16, 2007

An oasis of calm amidst the concrete madness

I happened to be early for a lunch appointment over the weekend at Orchard Road, and whilst killing time, decided to check out whether this particular Japanese restaurant did really exist along Emerald Hill, as what one of my friends told me.

Emerald Hill isn't really particularly known for its restaurants; rather, it is more well-known for its handful of bars and not forgetting the preserved shophouses with its rustic charm.

I have only been to this place when it is dark, to chill out at its bars and never during the daytime, and never having ventured beyond the domain of these bars. So it was a pleasant surprise when in the midst of checking out that particular Japanese restaurant, I discovered another side of Orchard Road that I had not seen before; calm, laid-back and a little old-school, quite different from the image of Emerald Hill that I have held all along.

It was a good thing I had my camera with me, and so I just snapped away.

Oh, and that Japanese restaurant did exist after all. ;-P

Gotta try that out someday. Heard it is pretty good. =)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Birthday!

And like the title goes, I celebrated my birthday on the 3rd of July.

Well, this is late by 2 days so I would say it is a belated birthday greeting to myself. Been pretty tied up as of late, so haven't had the chance to come to my blog until now.

Must say the past 2 weeks had been really busy, but fulfiling nonetheless. Starting work at a new place, coping with the new environment and a totally different job scope, and getting to know my new colleagues and the expectations of my bosses, volunteering at an old folk's home, rushing translation projects, and last but not least, reflecting on how I should be spending the following year ahead.

The new job brings me new challenges, and shows up for me aspects of myself that I perhaps did not know before. We are constantly discovering more about ourselves, aren't we?

This birthday has been a quiet affair, but heartwarming nonetheless, with a number of birthday greetings. Wanna thank (in no particular order!) Liwei, Kanako, Gloria, CS, Kailing, Alicia, Mitchy, Jackson, Renyang, Ting, my "godma" Diana, my folks, and also to my new colleagues! Thank y'all for your well-wishes! =)

My last year before I hit the Big 3-0!!!