Confessions?? Or just plain CRAP??

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Heart or Head?

Which do we base more on in making our decisions?

Our heart?

Or our head?

Should we make an effort to strive for a balance between the two?

Or should we just follow our hearts, and not spend too much time thinking with our heads about the countless what if's, the should I's and the shouldn't I's?

Heck, I am doing that right now, looking at the question mentioned above.

Sometimes it's best to just allow our hearts to guide us to where we ought to be, or to show us what we ought to be getting or doing.

It can get a wee bit tiring having to use our heads.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Spiderman 3...

Man, I love this movie.

Spiderman rocks...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

It has been a powerful and humbling experience.

Unlike the high that I experienced about two months ago, the feeling this time round is one of quiet contentment.

And just simply feeling at peace with myself.

Peace with myself for what I am and what I am not.

I have to learn to love and respect myself more, which sadly, I have not been in the past.

Thanks CS, for giving me this opportunity.