Confessions?? Or just plain CRAP??

Friday, July 15, 2005


It has been a while.

Haven't really had the opportunity to pen down what has happened lately.

It has been relatively eventful for the past couple of weeks.

Had a taste of real-time action when I was activated late at night last week, just before my bed-time, to assist and learn something in the course of an accident investigation.

I am not masochistic(or then again, maybe I really am..)but the idea of staying up around the clock, fuelled just by adrenaline, helping to work on something and learning many things in the process, appeals to me.

Well, maybe just for a couple of days because anything more would be simply madness.

And it was during this occasion that my inadequacies were surfaced, maybe not for all to see, but maybe to those to whom it mattered.

Been on the job for just a couple of months and my level of professional knowledge still needs a lot more tweaking to reach acceptable levels.

That aside, the past couple of days has seen a couple of assignments coming in at work.

Time for more action.

Step aside everyone, 'cos I'm coming through.


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