Which is a scarier thought? Loneliness? Or dying?
Both somehow seem frightening to me.
Dying in loneliness is an even more terrifying thought.
I guess many of us have taken being in the company of family and friends and being alive, healthy and kicking for granted to a certain extent.
I am guilty of that sometimes.
Have you ever sat down and thought about what would happen to your close friends or family members if you should ever pass on?
I suppose to me, dying itself isn't really a terrifying or dreadful thought.
Dying while alone, or dying without having ever fulfiled or lived out your dreams is.
We all have our hopes, our dreams and to pass on after having realised all that isn't that bad. Well, at least we don't have regrets, do we?
And dying without your loved ones seeing you for the last time is another scary thought.
Sometimes I have wondered about how they will ever react should I perish one day.
It would be painful seeing their reactions nonetheless.
All that said, let's not take every single day for granted. Let's all live our lives to the fullest. Go learn that dance you have always wanted to. Go to that place you have always wanted to step foot on. Go chat up that attractive person you have been eyeing with a frenzied heartbeat for the past few weeks. Go call up that friend you haven't contacted in years. And most important of all, go give your parents, your kids, your brothers and sisters, your significant other a long and big hug. Tell them "I love you."
Love certainly makes the world go round.
Both somehow seem frightening to me.
Dying in loneliness is an even more terrifying thought.
I guess many of us have taken being in the company of family and friends and being alive, healthy and kicking for granted to a certain extent.
I am guilty of that sometimes.
Have you ever sat down and thought about what would happen to your close friends or family members if you should ever pass on?
I suppose to me, dying itself isn't really a terrifying or dreadful thought.
Dying while alone, or dying without having ever fulfiled or lived out your dreams is.
We all have our hopes, our dreams and to pass on after having realised all that isn't that bad. Well, at least we don't have regrets, do we?
And dying without your loved ones seeing you for the last time is another scary thought.
Sometimes I have wondered about how they will ever react should I perish one day.
It would be painful seeing their reactions nonetheless.
All that said, let's not take every single day for granted. Let's all live our lives to the fullest. Go learn that dance you have always wanted to. Go to that place you have always wanted to step foot on. Go chat up that attractive person you have been eyeing with a frenzied heartbeat for the past few weeks. Go call up that friend you haven't contacted in years. And most important of all, go give your parents, your kids, your brothers and sisters, your significant other a long and big hug. Tell them "I love you."
Love certainly makes the world go round.
At 12:29 AM,
stardust979 said…
Hoho is not someone in a reflective lovey mood this evening ;) Somehow agree...loneliness is ok for me. Well, somehow getting used to it, but can't imagine myself being alone forever. I have ever imagined myself dying though. There were times when I felt like if I were gone, my family would be so much happier, countless times, mostly from childhood days, which were ...hm. But I realise that I'm lucky to have my parents alive still, and a sister who is such a nag but who was instrumental in teaching me to read, write and count. If not for her I guess, I would never have liked reading, or started to write music when I was 5. Now, I can't imagine what it will be like without my family.
That chatting up attractive person thing is highly risky! At least to me :p but I guess that's the type of life ;) To take it in your hands and don't regret a single day. To learn something new and do the best we can in our fields. At least when I've reached there I can turn around and say, I've done it. And my children can feel encouraged to pursue their dreams. And it's great to have someone there to work the dream together with. Success and loneliness...
I didn't see my grandmother pass away, nor did I ever get to see my fren when he died. I guess at that time, it didn't matter so much if I didn't say goodbye, because they were in great pain to go. As someone who lost both, in different ways, and later having to see my students attend one of our students' funeral (suicide)...it doesn't get any stronger. But I can't presume it's the same for everyone. I didn't expect to feel anything at the student's wake, but it was like a bad dream re-enacted. Fancy attending two suicide wakes, I thought it was a very sick joke played on me. And, I had to be strong too because I was a teacher. It was probably the hardest thing I had to do in my teaching career. How to comfort your students when you were going thru the same feeling, and hiding it. I can't imagine having to go thru losses again of any kind. Sim. I can't imagine if I were to go, how my family would feel. This has made me very protective of my friends and family, in a way.
No, I have to be honest, I wouldn't want to die alone. But I think it's stronger admitting.
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