Confessions?? Or just plain CRAP??

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Was spending a lazy Saturday afternoon just reading the newspapers, surfing the Internet and listening to music that was playing from the computer.

It's really amazing the effects music can have on the human body, depending on the type you are talking about. On one end of the spectrum, it can really soothe tired minds, leaving us relaxed and hoping to be in that state for eternity; on the other end, it can make us irritable and restless, and could serve as a trigger to something worse.

Or it could simply invoke in us emotions and feelings that cannot be conjured up or developed through other means.

Feelings of warmth, of longing, of attachment and of nostalgia.

Feelings that would not easily go away, or maybe would not go away, no matter how outside factors like time attempt to work their way relentlessly to diminish them.

Meanwhile, the music plays on...


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