Confessions?? Or just plain CRAP??

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Wondering if we have all fallen prey to the tools of modern technology.

Was trying to rectify my computer today and lots of problems cropped up to the point of frustration, which led to anger.

With the advent of technology, what with all the wireless connection, broadband and 3G phones etc etc, what have we become?

Slaves to all these contraptions perhaps?

And when the computer fails to work or hangs, what is our reaction and what do we do?

More often than not, do we work ourselves up into a fit and start getting restless and impatient?

Or do we remain cool and composed and try to find out what the real problem is?

Sometimes I just wish silently to go back to the good old days of typewriters or hand-written notes and documents.

Too much of these modern technology has given me worsening eyesight and increased blood pressure.

Need a doctor soon.


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